Because your sites are stored in Amazon S3, it is really easy to setup recurring backups so you never lose any of your data.  We highly recommend you choose or a few of the backup strategies listed below.

1. Enable S3 Versioning

The S3 versioning feature saves a copy of your files every time you make a change.  This is great if you want to be able to quickly roll back to an older version of a file.   However, it may occur additional costs and it does not protect against your whole bucket being removed.

To learn more about S3 versioning and how to enable it, visit the AWS Q&A on enable and suspending versioning of an S3 bucket.

2. Archiving to AWS Glacier

Glacier is a long term storage solution that works great for archiving your S3 bucket.  It is cheap and easy to setup, so it is my go-to solution for backing up Fixture sites.

Learn more about archiving S3 to Glacier via the AWS documentation.

3. Production and Development Buckets

For highly visible commercial websites, I strongly recommend splitting your buckets into development and production buckets.  This allows you to review changes that happen in Fixture before they go to production.  Combining this with AWS Glacier and versioning, give you the ultimate amount of flexibility for your website.

You can easily sync the development bucket to production on a schedule or ad hoc using the AWS CLI.

4. Download your Website

Nothing gives you peace of mind like having a local copy of your site.  You can easily download your entire bucket using the AWS CLI.  There are also a handful of third party tools that allow you to visually manage your buckets.