You can quickly configure your e-commerce site in Fixture by going to settings (cog icon in the top right) and then clicking the "E-commerce" tab.   Fixture supports both PayPal and Stripe through their developer APIs.  For information on how to get your Stripe developer credentials view the Stripe Documentation.  For information on how to get PayPal credentials, visit the PayPal developer site.

These settings allow you to set the text, image, and email addresses that are shown to your customers in the receipt.  Fixture also enables you to provide a custom API to process your payments via Settings > Advanced.

Why we use Developer Credentials

While both PayPal and Stripe allow us to take payments on your behalf using their respective platform APIs.  However, we choose to use the developer APIs directly.  This ensures that their is no long term lock-in between Fixture and your website.  By default, payments are processed through our API endpoints, however, this is fully configurable in the Advanced tab of settings.

How Credentials are Stored

Credentials are stored in DynamoDB and encrypted at rest.  Credentials never pass through unsecured channels.  When credentials are set, the communication happens over an HTTPS endpoint.