One of the many awesome features of Fixture is that it gives you full control over your code.  To edit your code, just click "Code" in the top menu.  You will be presented with the following screen.  

If you have built a website before, the organization and files should be pretty familiar.  We go out of our way to keep it simple.  But, there are a few key folders that enable a lot of the magic (not really magic) to happen.  Those are highlighted above.  A description of each is included below.

  • The components folder contains re-usable components for your site.  For example, the menus are re-usable components.  You can also create your own re-usable components in this folder and they will be automatically available in the components widget in the editor.
  • The layouts folder contains starting points for your pages.  When you create a page, you are presented with a type.  The starting code for those types is pulled from this folder.  And, of course, you can edit the contents of the folder to customize the starting look-and-feel for your pages.  This is a great way to enforce a common look-and-feel as your users create new pages in the site.
  • The templates folder contains the global templates for the site.  These templates contain the header and footer of the page and allow you to introduce global elements to the design.

A quick note on CSS and JS

We told you Fixture was fast, right?  An element of making Fixture sites so fast is that the CSS and JS are automatically combined into a common file to reduce server calls.  So, when you add a new JS or CSS file, no need to update the reference in the template because it will be automatically combined into these global files.